Горячая линия Embedded System Rus:8-800-775-06-34 (звонок по России бесплатный)

Available libraries/frameworks

Bootstrap comes without Glyphicons, use Font Awesome instead.

Base directory structure

  • /data –  apps and widgets are stored here, accessible at http://IP/apps/data/
  • /libs – Lua library storage, loaded via require(‘custom.lib’) where lib is library name.
  • /daemon – app daemon are stored here
  • /user – allows storing user files and LP scripts, accessible at http://IP/user/

Full-screen mode

In order to hide the top navigation bar icons pass fs GET variable (variable contents must evaluate to true): http://IP/apps/?fs=1

App / Widget structure

Application name (ID) must be unique and can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores. Maximum name length is 64 characters.

Directory structure

  • index.lp – required for apps, unless url is specified, clicking app icon will open app directory in the same window. Applications must provide a Back button so user can return to starting page
  • icon.svg or icon.png – required for apps, contains application icon, SVG is recommended
  • widget.lp or widget.js – required for widgets, can contain JavaScript + Lua code or pure JavaScript source which displays widget contents
  • title – optional for apps, text file with title that is shown beneath the icon
  • url – optional for apps, text file with URL that should be open when icon is clicked
  • style.css – optional for widget, contains custom CSS stylesheet for given widget
  • config.lp – optional configuration file, see description below

In widget mode icon element ID is the same as widget name, all other HTML element IDs must be prefixed with unique application name to minimize collisions between different applications. The same rule applies to CSS selectors.

Note: if your widget has any custom click events, make sure to check for unlocked class which is set when widget can be dragged by the end user. Click events must be ignored if this class is set.

Widget sizing

Default widget size is 100×100px. Width/height can be increased by calling setWidgetSize(cols, rows) on widget element.  Width formula: cols * 110 – 10, height formula: rows * 110 – 10


Clock widget which takes double width/height and places SVG image which fills all available space inside of widget container:

(function() {
// get widget element and set double width/height
var el = $('#clock').setWidgetSize(2, 2);
$('<object type="image/svg+xml"></object>') // object allows SVG+JavaScript
.css('width', '100%') // full width
.css('height', '100%') // full height
.attr('data', '/apps/data/clock/clock.svg') // SVG image source
.appendTo(el); // add to container

Toggle between square (1, 1) and wide (2, 1) mode after each click.


#resize-demo { overflow: hidden; background: #fd0; color: #333; cursor: pointer; }
#resize-demo small { position: absolute; bottom: 5px;
text-align: center; font-size: 17px; line-height: 17px; }
#resize-demo div { width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left; text-align: center; }
#resize-demo div:first-child { font-size: 36px; line-height: 90px; }
#resize-demo div:first-child small { width: 100px; left: 0; }
#resize-demo div:last-child { width: 110px; font-size: 15px; padding-top: 8px; }
#resize-demo div:last-child small { width: 110px; left: 100px; }


(function() {
var el = $('#resize-demo');
// simple info
// extended info to show on click
.html('Min: 12%<br>Max: 92%<br>Avg: 56%<small>Daily</small>')
// toggle size on click
el.click(function() {
var cols = el.hasClass('big') ? 1 : 2;
el.setWidgetSize(cols, 1);


Create new directory named as your application in daemon directory. Place daemon.lua inside your newly created directory. Daemon is started automatically when device boots up and when application is installed. Daemon is automatically restarted in case of an error, errors are logged to LogicMachine error log. Daemon can be forced to (re)start or to stop via HTTP request:



Example (daemon.lua)

Minimal example which logs current timestamp every 5 seconds
while true do


  • Application directory must contain either config.lp or config.html file
  • This file must contain form element, id must be set in myapp-config format, where myapp is unique application name
  • Data exchange is done via events triggered on form element:
    • config-load – (to app) provides an object with all configuration key/value pairs
    • config-check – (to app) triggered when Save button is clicked, app configuration must either show an error message if configuration is invalid or trigger config-save
    • config-save – (from app) saves configuration on server side and closed modal window, application must pass configuration parameters as an object
  • Configuration can be accessed from Lua using these functions:
    • config.get(app, key, default) – returns single value for given application name, default value or nil if key is not found
    • config.getall(app) – return table with all configuration values for given application name or nil if configuration is empty
    • config.set(app, key, value) – adds a new key/value pair or overwrites an existing one
    • config.setall(app, cfg) – overwrites existing config with given cfg table with keys/values
    • config.delete(app, key) – deletes existing key/value pair
  • Unpublished apps that have configuration file present will appear under Dev apps in admin page


Examples (config.html)

Access config value from Lua daemon:
-- get delay value from config, use 15 as default when delay is not set
delay = config.get('myapp', 'delay', 15)
-- main daemon loop
while true do

Set value in lp script posted from user:

delay = getvar('delay') -- GET/POST variable
delay = tonumber(delay) or 0 -- convert to number
-- set to default value if empty or invalid
if delay < 5 or 100 < delay then
delay = 15
config.set('myapp', 'delay', 15)

Create a simple for element with single numeric input which accepts values in 5..100 range

<form id="myapp-config">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="myapp-input">Delay (seconds)</label>
    <input type="number" name="delay" id="myapp-delay"
class="form-control" min="5" max="100">
(function() {
  var el = $('#myapp-config') // form element
    , input = $('#myapp-delay'); // input element
  // set element values when config is loaded
  el.on('config-load', function(event, data) {
    $.each(data, function(key, value) {
      $('#myapp-' + key).val(value);
  // runs when Save button is clicked
  el.on('config-check', function() {
    var val = parseInt(input.val(), 10) // input value
      , min = parseInt(input.attr('min'), 10) // minimum value
      , max = parseInt(input.attr('max'), 10); // maximum value
    // invalid value
    if (isNaN(val) || val < min || max < val) {
      alert('Please enter a value between ' + min + ' and ' + max);
    // all good, save configuration
    else {
      el.triggerHandler('config-save', { delay: val });

localStorage wrapper functions

localStorage allows saving client-side configuration. Several functions are provided to safely execute localStorage functions, as they might fail is some cases like private mode on iOS. It also allows storing any values that can be serialized using JSON.stringify.

  • storeSet(key, value) – sets key/value pair
  • storeGet(key) –  retrieves key value, returns null when key is not found
  • storeRemove(key) – removes key from storage

Storage keys must be prefixed with unique application name to minimize collisions between different applications.


Get currently selected theme (light/dark)

var theme = storeGet('myapp_theme') || 'light';

Store JavaScript objects

var user = { name: 'John', surname: 'Doe', age: 42 };
storeSet('myapp_user', user);

Cookie functions

Use Cookie global object to access cookies from client-side.

  • Cookie.set(key, value[, attributes]) – sets key/value cookie pair. If value is a JavaScript array or an object, it will be automatically JSON-encoded for set calls and JSON-decoded for get calls.
  • Cookie.get() – returns object containing all key/value cookie pairs
  • Cookie.get(key) – returns cookie value
  • Cookie.remove(key[, attributes]) –  removes cookie from storage

Cookie attributes (optional):

  • path – cookie path, defaults to “/”
  • expires – number (days) or Date object, containing cookie expiration time. By default cookie expires when browser window is closed
  • secure – only allow cookie to be sent via HTTPS, disabled by default

Cookie keys must be prefixed with unique application name to minimize collisions between different applications.


Get currently selected theme (light/dark)

var theme = Cookie.get('myapp_theme') || 'light';

Set cookie to expire in 1 year

var config = { theme: 'dark', language: 'Italian' };
Cookie.set('myapp_config', config, { expires: 365 });

Store JavaScript objects

var user = { name: 'John', surname: 'Doe', age: 42 };
Cookie.set('myapp_user', user);

Client-side local bus monitoring

localbus allows monitoring group address and storage variable changes. If used separately, include /apps/js/localbus.js.gz in your app and call localbus.init(). This is not needed for widgets.

localbus.listen(‘object’, groupaddr, callback)

Runs callback function when group address value changes, callback receives one argument – new object value.  Will not work if object does not have a known data type.

localbus.listen(‘storage’, key, callback)

Runs callback function when storage key value changes, callback receives one argument – new storage value.

localbus.listen(‘groupwrite’, callback)
localbus.listen(‘groupread’, callback)
localbus.listen(‘groupresponse’, callback)

Runs callback function when new group telegram is received, callback receives one argument – event object.

Event object:

  • event.dst – destination group address
  • event.src – source address, empty for local telegrams
  • event.tsec – UNIX timestamp of the telegram (seconds part)
  • event.usec – UNIX timestamp of the telegram (microseconds part)
  • event.type – event type, either groupread, groupwrite or groupresponse
  • event.value – new value, only valid for groupwrite and groupresponse types and when destination object has known data type

Widget example

(function() {
// get widget element and add data div
var el = $('#mywidget'), inner = $('<div></div>').addClass('data').appendTo(el);
// create title element and add to widget
$('<div></div>').addClass('title').text('My value').appendTo(el);
// listen for mystoragevar changes
localbus.listen('storage', 'mystoragevar', function(res) {
// check if value is a valid number
res = parseFloat(res);
if (!isNaN(res)) {
// update data div

Server-side local bus monitoring

lb = require(‘localbus’).new([timeout])
Loads localbus library and creates new connection, timeout is an optional value in seconds and is set to 1 second by default.

Wait for a single message or timeout. Returns true on new message, nil on timeout.

lb:sethandler(‘groupwrite’, groupcallback)
lb:sethandler(‘groupread’, groupcallback)
lb:sethandler(‘groupresponse’, groupcallback)

Sets a callback function for each of the group message types.
Callback receives one argument – event table:

  • event.dst –  destination group address
  • event.src –  source address, empty for local telegrams
  • event.type – event type, either groupread, groupwrite or groupresponse
    • event.datahex – HEX-encoded raw data

lb:sethandler(‘storage’, storagecallback)
Sets a callback function for storage changes.
Callback receives three arguments: action, key, value:

  • action – either “set” or “delete”
  • key – storage item key
  • value – new storage item value, nil for “delete” action

Example (daemon)

function groupcallback(event)
if event.dst == '1/1/1' then
local value = knxdatatype.decode(event.datahex, dt.uint16)
function storagecallback(action, key, value)
if action == 'set' and key == 'mystoragekey' then
lb = require('localbus').new(0.5) -- timeout is 0.5 seconds
lb:sethandler('groupwrite', groupcallback)
lb:sethandler('storage', storagecallback)
while true do


  • $.i18n.lang – current language or undefined if default language is used
  • $.i18n.add(ns, dictionary) – adds translations to current dictionary, ns must be a unique application name
  • $.i18n.translate(key, default, vars) or $.tr(key, default, vars) – translates a given key or uses default value if translation is not found for current language. Additional vars object can be passed to replace variables inside of translation text

Example 1

// register translation for application “myapp”
$.i18n.add('myapp', {
// translation for mylang
mylang: {
hello: 'Hello %{username}, current temperature is %{temperature}',
goodbye: 'Goodbye %{username}'
var text = $.tr('myapp.hello', 'No translation', { username: 'John', temperature: 21 });
// alerts “Hello John, current temperature is 21” if current language is “mylang”
// otherwise alerts “No translation”

Example 2

You can apply translation to jQuery selectors by using tr function: all HTML elements that have tr class and data-tr-key attribute will have contents replaced with translated version


<div id="myapp-container">
  <span class="tr" data-tr-key="myapp.hello">Hello!</span>


// register french translation
$.i18n.add('myapp', {
fr: {
hello: 'Bonjour!'
// apply translation to all elements inside of myapp-container

LP scripts

Allows mixing HTML and Lua inside a single file, Lua chunks must be enclosed in <?  ?> tags, closing tag at the end of the document is not required.

Available functions:

  • header(hdr) –  adds a custom header to the output
  • getvar(name) – returns named GET/POST variable or nil when variable is not set
  • getvars() — returns all GET/POST variables as Lua table
  • getcookie(name) – returns named cookie contents or nil when cookie is not set
  • getheader(header) – returns named header contents or nil when header is not set, might return table when header with the same name has been passed several times. Header case does not matter, it is normalized to a pure lowercase form with all underscores converted to dashes in case of a lookup miss
  • setcookie(name, value [, expires [, path ]]) – sets named cookie contents, must be called before any output is sent, expires must be a number (days) or a table, containing cookie expiration time. By default cookie expires when browser window is closed. Default path value is “/”
  • print(…) – outputs any number of variables, ending output with CRLF
  • write(…) – similar to print but does not output CRLF at the end
  • escape(val) – escape single/double quotes, less than/greater than characters to HTML entities
  • include(file) – include and run another lp file, note that parent local variables are not visible inside of the included file (see example below for more info)

request table contains information on current file and path:

  • request.file –  full path to the requested lp file
  • request.path – full path to the directory containing the requested lp file
  • request.username – current username, can be nil if password access has not been enabled

Library package is loaded via require(‘apps’) and provides access to these functions:

  • all built-in LM functions: alert, log, grp, storage etc if core LM package is installed
  • config library
  • vprint(…) and vprinthex(…) functions to view variable contents in human-readable form
  • json library
  • getlanguage([default]) – returns selected anguage for current user or default value (nil when not specified) when language is not set


Print current date

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <body>Current date is <? write(os.date()) ?></body>

Output multiplication table. Size can be a GET/POST variable in 1..20 range (defaults to 10).

<!DOCTYPE html>
size = getvar('size') -- GET/POST variable
size = tonumber(size) or 0 -- convert to number
if size < 1 or 20 < size then
  size = 10 -- set to default value if empty or invalid
<table border="1" cellpadding="3">
<? for i = 1, size do ?>
    <? for j = 1, size do ?>
      <td><? write(i * j) ?></td>
    <? end ?>
<? end ?>

Include document (row.lp), must be in the same directory as the parent document (index.lp)

  <? for j = 1, size do ?>
    <td><? write(ival * j) ?></td>
  <? end ?>

Parent document (index.lp). Note: ival global is used because local counter variable i is not visible in row.lp

<!DOCTYPE html>
size = getvar('size') -- GET/POST variable
size = tonumber(size) or 0 -- convert to number
if size < 1 or 20 < size then
  size = 10 -- set to default value if empty or invalid
<table border="1" cellpadding="3">
<? for i = 1, size do ?>
  <? ival = i ?>
  <? include('row.lp') ?>
<? end ?>

Full Lua function reference manual is available at

Object functions

Most functions use alias parameter — either object group address or object name. (e.g. ‘1/1/1’ or ‘My object’)

Finding single/multiple objects

Returns single object for given alias. Object value will be decoded if data type is set.
Returns nil when object cannot be found, otherwise it returns table with the following items:

  • address — object group address
  • updatetime — latest update time in UNIX timestamp format. Use os.date() to convert to readable date formats
  • name — unique object name
  • datatype — object data type
  • decoded — set to true when decoded value is available
  • value — decoded object value

grp.tag(tags [, mode])
Returns a table containing objects with given tag. Tags parameter can be either table or a string. Mode parameter can be either ‘or’ (default — returns objects that have any of given tags) or ‘and’ (return objects that have all of given tags). You can use object functions on the returned table.

grp.dpt(dpt, [strict])
Find all objects with matching data type. Dpt can be either a string (“bool”, “scale”, “uint32” etc) or a field from dt table (dt.bool, dt.scale, dt.uint32). For example, if dpt is set to dt.uint8, in normal mode all sub-datatypes like dt.scale and dt.angle will be included. If exact data type match is required, set strict to true.

Returns a table with all known objects.


Converts group address to object name or name to address. Returns nil when object cannot be found.

Returns value for given alias or nil when object cannot be found.

Bus requests

grp.write(alias, value [, datatype])
Sends group write request to given alias. Data type is taken from the database if not specified as third parameter. Returns boolean as the result.

grp.response(alias, value [, datatype])
Similar to grp.write. Sends group response request to given alias.

Sends group read request to given alias. Note: this function returns immediately and cannot be used to return the result of read request. Use event-based script instead.

grp.update (alias, value [, datatype])
Similar to grp.write, but does not send new value to the bus. Useful for objects that are used only in visualization.

Tag manipulation

Returns a table with all tags that are set for given alias.

grp.addtags(alias, tags)
Adds single or multiple tags to given alias. Tags parameter can be either a string (single tags) or Lua table consisting of strings (multiple tags).

grp.removetags(alias, tags)
Removes single or multiple tags from given alias. Tags parameter can be either a string (single tags) or Lua table consisting of strings (multiple tags).

Removes all tags for given alias.

grp.settags(alias, tags)
Overwrites all tags for given alias. Tags parameter can be either a string (single tags) or Lua table consisting of strings (multiple tags)

Object creation and modification

grp.setcomment(alias, comment)
Sets comment field for given alias

Creates a new or overwrites an existing object based on provided config, which must be a Lua table. Returns object ID on success, nil plus error message otherwise.

config fields:

  • datatype – required, object data type. Can be either a string (“bool”, “scale”, “uint32” etc) or a field from dt table (dt.bool, dt.scale, dt.uint32)
  • name – optional, unique object name. If an object with the same name already exists, numeric prefix will be added
  • comment – optional, object comment (string)
  • units – optional, object units/suffix (string)
  • address – optional, object group address (string). If not set the first free address from configured range will be used
  • tags – optional, object tags, can be either a string (single tags) or Lua table consisting of strings (multiple tags)

If an object with the same group address already exists, only units, datatype and comment fields will be changed. All other properties will be kept unchanged.


Create new object with known address

address = grp.create({
  datatype = dt.float16,
  address = '1/1/1',
  name = 'My first object',
  comment = 'This is my new object',
  units = 'W',
  tags = { 'My tag A', 'My tag B' },
Create new object with automatic address assignment
address = grp.create({
  datatype = dt.bool,
  name = 'My second object',

Database functions

SQLite v3 is used as the database engine.

Note: Database tables must be prefixed with unique application name to minimize collisions between different applications.

Core functions

  • db:execute(query) – executes given query, return value can be either a database cursor or query result
  • db:escape(value) – escapes given string value so it can be safely used in a query
  • db:query(query, …) – executes given query, question marks in the query are replaced by additional parameters (see examples below)


Note: Lua tables passed as values and where parameters must not have fields that are not present in given database table. Otherwise query will fail

  • db:insert(tablename, values) – performs INSERT query based on given values
  • db:update(tablename, values, where) – performs UPDATE query based on given values and where parameters
  • db:delete(tablename, where) – performs DELETE query based on where parameter

SELECT helpers

Note: parameters must be passed in the same way as for db:query() function

  • db:getone(query, …) – returns first field value from the first matching row from given query
  • db:getrow(query, …) – returns first matching row from given query
  • db:getlist(query, …) – returns complete query result as Lua table, where each table item is first field from each row
  • db:getall(query, …) – returns complete query result as Lua table, where each table item is Lua table with field → value mapping


-- Query parameter replacement
db:query('UPDATE table SET field=? WHERE id=?', 'test', 42)
-- Same as INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (42, 'test')
db:insert('table', { id = 42, value = 'test' })
-- Same as UPDATE table SET value='test' WHERE id=42
db:update('table', { value = 'test' }, { id = 42 })
-- Same as DELETE FROM table WHERE id=42
db:delete('table', { id = 42 })


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